Understanding Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder - ACCIHS

Understanding Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Workshop Details

Children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are on a rise.  This lesson will highlight the facts and characteristics of a child with ASD and share appropriate screening tools that parents and teacher can use. You will also gain knowledge on some of the evidence-based practices used in school, as well as the different therapies applied to improve social and academic areas for children with ASD.

Learn to understand these children today!

Autism in Singapore













One in 150 children here has autism, a higher rate than the World Health Organisation’s global figure of one in 160 children.

This comes as more pre-schoolers here get diagnosed with developmental issues. There were 4,400 such children in 2014, a 76 per cent jump from the 2,500 children in 2010.

These figures were revealed in the Government’s third Enabling Masterplan, which was unveiled on Tuesday. It covers the next five years and builds on two earlier plans to create a more inclusive society for people with disabilities.

Target Audience:

  • Early Childhood Educators
  • Young Parents
  • Individuals keen on learning more about understanding children with special needs

Lesson content:

  • DSM-5 Criteria

  • Understand Autism Facts

  • History of Autism

  • Myths on Autism

  • Causes of Autism

  • Prevalence of Autism

  • Characteristics of Autism

  • Diagnosing Autism

  • Treatment and Therapies


  • To be able to understand the different types of learning disabilities and identify ways to support children with special needs

Course Features:

  • Instruction by an expert facilitator
  • Small interactive classes


Irene holds a Master’s Degree in Education, specialising in Special Education from the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

She has 9 years of experience working as a special education teacher with children ages ranging from 5 to 18, with global developmental delays, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, intellectual and learning disabilities, and autism. She worked in different settings, including voluntary welfare organizations schools, international school, and individualised home-based sessions. She collaborated with parents and therapists for optimal education and non-education success of the children.

As a special education teacher, she emphasizes on the holistic growth of a child including learning in natural environments, multi-sensory approaches, utilising a child’s strength to help them reach their optimal zone of development. Irene is a full-time lecturer at ACC, teaching Specialist Diploma in Teaching and Supporting Children with Special Needs.

Training Fees:

Fees and Charges  
Early Bird Fees$51.36 (wGST)
ACC Students Fees$48.15 (wGST)
Public Fees$72.76 (wGST)

We do not accept Cash over the counter. You may, however, do a bank transfer or bank deposit and forward the proof of your deposit to us at counsel@certifiedcounsellors.org. Please call us at 6339 5411 for the bank details.
Payment Option: NETS / Cheque / Credit Card

Course Information

Upcoming Workshop:

Duration: 3 hours (0.5-day)
Venue: ACC, 51 Cuppage Road, #03-03, Singapore 229469

Fees and Charges  
Early Bird Fees$51.36 (wGST)
ACC Students Fees$48.15 (wGST)
Public Fees$72.76 (wGST)

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