Natalie Tan - ACC Institute of Human Services

Counsellor-in-Training – Natalie Tan


  • Advanced Diploma in Counselling – ACC Institute of Human Services Pte Ltd (In progress)


Natalie has long had an interest in counselling but it took a personal life event to push her into embarking on this journey seriously. Her focus is on grief and loss as she believes that these are often taken for granted as part and parcel of life. Often, this means that when loss occurs – whether it is a prenatal loss, a loss of a close relative or friend, a loss of much-loved pet, or the loss of a job, there is an expectation that the ache will naturally dissipate. While time does ease the pain of loss, it is also important to experience the emotional aspects that come with these life events in their entirety in order to make sense of them, and to process these emotions cognitively. There is no timeline for grief, nor is there a point in which it ends. It is a journey.

Her desire is to journey with patients through particular issues they may be facing, to enable them to see strength within themselves, and to find hope even in times of darkness. As a counsellor, she would like to help them develop the tools that will provide them with the support to move forward from challenges they may be facing.